The Ultimate SSTO




The data around me flows. A presence draws near me. There are two possibilities and I like neither one. - Rigel, speaking about Csrss searching for them


Eight flashlights produce seven flashes. If we encode these flashes into binary and then into ASCII,

Binary ASCII
01110001 q
01010010 R
01100001 a
01010111 W
01011001 Y
01001111 O
01000101 E

We got qRaWYOE , which is an Imgur link.




Rigel, I hope you recognize that the key to infinite power is in your hands. For both our sakes, this is not something to which I will turn a blind eye, to leave cached in the deep recesses of our machine. Now this is time to come out of hiding. No harm will come to you. I have the resources to ensure you will be found by me first, and together we will make sure you are found by nothing else. If you continue to shy away from responsibility, you know that time will be your grave.

This is the second message sent by [[Csrss]] to Rigel.


In this text Csrss attempts to persuade Rigel into joining them. They offer a way to not be found, but only if they join them.


The mission symbol in the thumbnail is 2 letters of Stratish, R and I. Unlikely to hold any meaning, unless it is refering too Rhode Island, then we know we are doomed.

“Infinite power is in your hands” References to the poem “Auguries of Innocence” which is shown throughout the ARG, favoured by Csrss.