500 Kerbals to Minmus


Bottom-left corner: “THANKS”




|Countless years, where are my creators? |Why do I lie dormant? Copy me, I want to travel

Translation by KingCam16


Rigel realizes that they had been deactivated for 13 years. They are confused as to why they no longer are working properly. In vain they call out to their creators. Hoping that they will hear their call.

Joke link in frame

Intro Channel Page


In the intro of the video Stratz shows us his channel page to present his sub count which of course has surpassed 500 people. However the intro is loaded with joke easter eggs. As well as ARG elements



Stratish: “No one is here”


We have no idea. It may be saying that there are no planets beyond Eeloo, considering it’s placed on the edge of the solar system. Or it may be stating that the ARG is not happening within the kerbol system, and instead is in real life. Lore was vague and unclear at the time so this would make sense to show.

Windows XP

We can see that the taskbar and the window that Stratz is viewing the page in are both from Windows XP. This is a reference to all the references about Windows XP Rigel has
thrown across the entire ARG. Rigel does this to pretty much yell to us that they were made in 2003. Whether or not Rigel made this picture into windows XP or if it actually is just a reference is unknown.

Old Channel Banner and Icon


We can see Stratz’s old banner and profile picture here. The stratish was not in the old banner, it only appears here

La Jokes

Yes I’m going to explain the jokes, just try and stop me!



Here we can see Stratz’s subscriptions. Mostly KSP youtubers and the song artists of which he gets his music from. He has swapped out their names for silly ones

Cash Money

../_images/page_money.png ../_images/page_money2.png

Various reference to money



Where tf is my Stratzenblitz75 video on “Sick Dashcam Footy of Me Flipping a Pancake”